Monday 28 November 2022

 Greetings Guys,

 Well, I have made tons of podcasts which are available on all music and podcast apps. The reason I have made these podcasts is because the church has put our feelings or emotions into consideration when preaching or teaching the word of God. But we did not come with His Word, we were born and found ourselves here on earth, there is no need to change His Word because of the fear of what people will say. If God cared what people would say, He would have written something else. Because of the fear of what people will say and think about God if they preach His true Word, they have change it into Money messages, riches messages and earthly blessings messages, which is actually the message of the BEAST. Whether they did this on purpose or innocently, the result of it is that people who go to church, who were once saved, ie, who had received the blood of Jesus have now died spiritually because they did not stop sinning. How can they stop sinning if what is preached in churches is not in line with the Word of God, but that of the Beast? For those who still believe that the Word of God is true and believe that those who are saved are not to love money, riches and earthly things, as the word of God clearly says in 1 John 2:15-17” Do not love the world or the things of the world. For anyone who loves the world and the things of the world do not love God. The lust of the Flesh, the boasting of what He has and does comes not from Father but from the World. Only He who does the Will of God will leave forever.” Therefore, if you are also one of those people who don’t believe in this message of money, riches and earthly blessings. These teachings will be of benefit to you for they will help you understand why you should obey God and why you die spiritually when you disobey God knowingly. These teachings are harsh, these teachings are hard, these teachings are painful, perhaps, it is the reason why Pastors have changed His word to spare our feelings, but God did not spare our feelings because He only cares about our souls that we lose when we disobey Him knowingly. His Word will hurt because it is founded in the truth and it is His Truth. While there is no requirements to enter the earth, meaning, two people simply decide to have sex and then we are born. I mean, we do not even have to audition to enter the earth, there are no interviews conducted, we are not even asked if we want to but we simply here without considering if we want to. However, to enter His kingdom, we have been given laws to obey for He says,” Not everyone who calls me Lord Lord will enter my kingdom, but only He who does the Will of the Father”, which is obey His commands and His teachings. It is therefore imperitive that we search His kingdom;that we seek His kingdom and that we learn about His kingdom because on that very last day, that very ungodly day we will be judged by the laws of His kingdom.People do not have to obey God, but they do need to know about His kingdom and know that there are requirements to enter His kingdom, it is Kingdom after all. Now adays you hear every TOM, DICK AND HERY claiming to go to heaven when they die; you hear pastors opening the Bible in every funeral and lie to people that they are going to heaven. No-one is going there. He has laws that need to be obeyed to enter His kingdom, it not like here on earth where we just find ourselves. Therefore, people need to know all of that so that they can make informed decisions. What the churches have done because of deviating from the word of God to impress the people of the word who have filled churches because there is no word of God there; they have not given people the right to chose to either obey of disobeyed His world as pastors have chosen for them to disobey by preaching this false message of the BEAST. I do not want people to be shocked when they leave this planet earth to only find that they couldn’t make it to His kingdom when the message that is preaching does not allow people to enter His kingdom. This messaged does not even allow people to grow spiritually because people are quickly overcome by the message of the BEAST and they give in to the demands of the BEAST and the pastors are the ones making that possible. One can only understand what Jesus said in Mathew 23 when He says,”Woe to you preachers of the law, you hypocrtite, you go over land and sea to gain a single convert and when he becomes one, you make him twice the son of hell as you are. You do not enter my kingdom, neither will you allow those who are trying enter”. This is what Jesus was speaking about. The messages we hear in churches cannot cause us to grow and mature to the level of Christ because it kills us spiritually. As we know also that these are the last days and we very much do expect false prophets. There is a church in every corner of every street, but none preach His Word and it is now fulfilled the scripture of the prophet Amos when He said, men and women will go about seeking the word of God, but none will be found. God has His kingdom, when Jesus came here on earth He preached only one message, which is, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near. "Why did Jesus preach that message only? Why didn’t He preach healing? Why didn’t He preach faith? Why didn’t He preach money? Why didn’t He preach riches or the earthly blessings? Why preach this message only?

As much as I do not want to be long in this podcast because I have prepared teachings which explains all of that. I will say this though. Adam lost one thing in the garden of Eden. Adam was under the administration of God, Adam was under the government of God, Adam was under the rulership of God and Adam was under the setup of God. He was put here on earth, but His Father was living in heaven and was of the kingdom heaven. Adam was born of God through Jesus. Both God and Jesus resided in that kingdom and they belonged to that kingdom. When Adam disobeyed God, He was uprooted from God, He was uprooted from Jesus whom He was born through. He was uprooted from that kingdom of His Father and became of the world and since He obeyed satan over God or over Jesus, who is and has always been the Word of God. He lost that kingdom of heaven and gained the kingdom of the earth which became the kingdom of darkness since satan had stolen the rullership, the administration, the governence of it and set it up according to His ways. His offspring died spiritually together with him and we were born spiritually dead, I was born spiritually dead. It was not my fault, it was not your fault, but Adams fault and Adam only. Yes, He had been placed here on earth was to occupy but His Father belonged to the kingdom of heaven. When He sinned and died spiritually, satan taking over the earth which then became the kingdom of darkness, the rulership and government and adminstration and set-up of satan. We were all then born into that kingdom and there was then a need for this kingdom of heaven to be preached and made known to us, the offspring of Adam because we did not know about it and did not know what Adam had done. Therefore, the Man through whom Adam was born, who is Jesus, who is actually the Ancestor of everyone on earth; the Ancestor of mankind. For John says, He was in the begnning as the word of God and Paul says all things were created for, by and through Jesus. Therefore, Jesus had to be born here on earth because He is the Man through Adam came and thus all came, but who did not come from the lineage of Adam, so He is the only Man who knows of the kingdom of heaven because He had been staying there with the Father. And had now come down to make that kingdom known to mankind.. He had to preach about it, He had to teach about it. He did not preach it so that people will be forced onto entering it. He did not preach it so that people will be forced to obey its laws, neither did He preach it so that people will be forced to believe it, but He preached only this message because because one born of Adam will be judged by the laws of its kingdom when they leave this planet earth. But now why do people have to repent in order to enter this kingdom? Simple, when Adam was given the command by Jesus who has always been the word of God right in the very beginning, He disobeyed it, thus dying spiritually and causing all those who were in him to die spiritually as well and by that we became sinners, not because we chose to be sinners, but because the Man through whom we came sinned for us. It is not our fault we are born sinners, yet the evidence of that act are clear in us. We are the lovers of money, we are the lovers of the things of the world, we lie, we cheat, we steal, we have sex outside marriage. Which makes us disboyers of God laws. All these are the results of sin we inherited from our Patriach, our father, who is Adam. As much as if it free of charge to enter the kingdom of Heaven Jesus preached about and was living before coming here on earth. After we accept His blood, which is the forgiveness of sins, we need to change our conduct so that we can remain in it.

Some people don’t want to get saved but still pray for their sins to be forgiven by God. Why pray for something that is already given? His blood is available so that those sins you pray about will be forgiven. God cannot listen to us praying to Him for the forgiveness of sins when He has made that blood available so that we can be forgiven. Why ask for food when I have placed the plate of food near you to eat?


Then there are those who do not want the blood of Jesus because He was a Jew. They do not understand why they should give their lives to someone who is a Jew when they are not. Are those questions legit? Yes, they are , but read His Word, it still remains the only source of information about His kingdom and that will never change. Pastors can change His Word to impress us but His Word will never change. God who gave birth to Jesus whom Adam was born through cannot be fathomed. Adam gave birth to all races here on earth; therefore, no one can know or tell us the race of Adam. After the flood, Noah and his wife and kids were the only ones on earth and gave birth to all the races you see here on earth today. Therefore, no one can tell you the race of Noah, but He gave birth to all these rebels here on earth and one of His kids obeyed God, Shem who gave birth to Abraham who obeyed God from the children of Noah was the one God made a covenant with so that Jesus would come. Can now Jesus be born an Indian, An African, a Chinese, A Japanese? No. Jesus has to come from the line of the Man who obeyed God from the children of Noah. If you read the word by yourself in the Book of Revelations where we get the glimpse of Jesus, we can clear see that He is not a Jew. The guy has white hair as a snow, eyes blazing with fear. Does that look like a Jew to you? That seems scary to me but, but most definitely looks like no race here on earth. So, since that has been dealt with, let us get back to reason why Jesus has not come back on earth. If you read His word, Jesus says that He will only come back when this message of the kingdom of heaven has been preached on the whole earth. Everyone must hear about this message; only then will He pop up again. I DO NOT KNOW ABOUT YOU, BUT I AM SICK AND TIRED OF WAITING. So, I had to make this podcast and send it all over the world so that everyone on earth will hear about it and know this only message Jesus preached and FINALY come. This is why these teachings were prepared and are now found in this website: or They are also found in all music apps including Spotify, Apple podcast, Google Podcast, Deezer, Stitcher, Acast, Castro, Amazon music, Pandora, Podchase, Podbean, Anchor, Listennotes, Jiosaavan, Soundclouds, Podnews and many many more. If you punch in Niny Mathe.

 Greeting Guys, As I have been saying that there is only one message that Jesus preached and that is the message of the Kingdom of heaven. H...